Craftsman 706650110 User Manual TOOL CHEST Manuals And Guides L0908372

CRAFTSMAN Tool Chest Manual L0908372 CRAFTSMAN Tool case Possessor's Non-automatic, CRAFTSMAN Toolbox installation guides

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ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS  Chest Model No. Black 706,651130 Ruddy 706.651150  --  deuce  I  i  :  Intermediate Model Black 706,652640 Red 706.652650  Atomic number 102.  i  --  ;  J  I:'RII MIIN i  Rollaway Model Nobelium. Bleak 706.650110 Red 706.650120  CHEST AND ROLLA WAY Sold by SEARS,  ROEBUCK  AND  CO,, Chicago,  Cardinal 60684  U.S,A. Printed F692A1  in U.S.A.  August.!7, 2009 11:09AM  Waterloo  No,1181  Grand  __  P,  2  III  TOOLS  Necessary  1/4  Q  3/8  O  C_AF'iYS_A_ 7/1 6  Q  9/1 6  Q In front YOU ASSEMBLE  THE  Pectus  AND  ROLLAWAY:  Illuminate and account for altogether parts to make a point that you make all required materials to assemble the chest and rollaway. Do non discard packing material materials until all parts are accounted for. NOTE: Each building block contains a bag of ironware, Catalogued below are the totals for all three units followed  by the  number  KEY A B C  QTY 48 4 16  PART NO. M8738 MI0665 M8716  D  8  M6603  required  per unit;  _"  Verbal description SCREW SCREW  10-24 14-10  SCREW SCREW  5/16-18 x 3/4" :3/8-16 x 3/4"  14-10  x  x 5/16" x 5/8"  24 each:Dresser& Rollaway onl_ =  Rollaway exclusive 4 each Chest &adenosine monophosphate; grey  5/8  10-24  @ 3/8-16  Rollaway-  x  5/16  @ x 3/4  5/16-,18  x 3/4  1 i  II  ii  .  I  Aug17, 2009 11'10AM i  I.r  i=  Admonitory: ! DO NOT ALTER  No,1181  W&ter!00 Gr_nd  P. 3  i  THE Production  IN  THE  FOLLOWING  MANNER:  1) WELDING Engage BARS OR DOLLIES ONTO THE Building block. 2) MOUNTING CHEST OR ROLLAWAY ONTO ANY MOVING OBJECT SUCH Equally TRUCK BED, Gravy boat Coldcock, OR CAR TRAILER. j! WARNING: J STORAGE UNIT WILL TiP IF A NUMBER OF DRAWERS ARE EXTENDED WHICH May CAUSE PERSONAL INJURY OR DAMAGE. IF  WARNING: I In front MOVING UNIT, Glucinium SURE ALL DRAWERS ARE FULLY Squinting Nonstarter TO Dress Thus MAY CAUSE PERSONAL INJURY OR Impairment.  HELPFUL  AND  LOCKED.  HINTS:  1) Sporadically  drawer  cleaned with 2) Chest English hawthorn be 3/8-16 x 3/4" .3/8-16 x 3/4"  front,  pulis  and another  rollaway  and chest  surfaces  should  be  a milcl detergent last H2O to keep them looking at new. bespoken to the rollaway after the rollaway is congregate with the quaternion screws (D). Remove the top two knickers of the rollaway and screw screws (D) into weldnuts in chest and wring out tighten.  3) For relaxation of procedure, lube slide by channels periodically with petroJeum jelly, 4) If:it becomes necessary to remove drawers for cleaning or referable damage follow these slide removal operating instructions. COMPOUND SLIDES: A. Pull drawer all the room open then push back 1/16 of an inch. B. Put in a screwdriver into this time slot in the slide by and push in on the quit un'til IT clears the lance, Repeat the routine on the other slide and remove drawer. C. To reinstall drawer, pry stop long enough forbidden to engage lance(3/1 6" to 1/4") and push drawer onto slides until Roller bearing SLIDES:  stops  engage  lances.  A. Pull boxershorts all the way open. B. Remove screw and washer from  both  C• Lift draftsman  in slide bring in slots  D. To reinstall,  awake and out reversion  until  tabs  sides  of draftsman. in drawer.  procedure,  COMPOUND  SLIDE  STO _  I DE SCREWDR LUBRI  I_ CATE zj'_  2 m  i  i  in  i  _  I1 lOAM  Waterloo  706.651130 706.651150  No.1t81  Gra.nd  BLACK RED  P. 4  WHEN Ordination REPLACEMENT PARTS ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: MODEL Come MODEL DESCRIPTION Part with NUMBER Function DESCRIPTION Measure Office COLOR  5 6 8 9  lO  I KEY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  PART None. M9316 IM9317A1 T15410 T15409 M10526 T14009A2 M9091A1 A12451 M7413A8 M9400-Public address system M7413A11 M8640  NOTE: 1.  DESCRIPTION BALL STUD GAS SPRING LOCK BAR COVER LOCK ROD Pass over NAMEPLATE Deep down SLIDE Roll SLIDE RIGHT DRAWER DRAWER Ocean liner DRAWER TRIM Draftsman Lining Draftsman DIVIDER  Describe 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 2! 22 23  PART NO. M10520 M9361A2 IT16874 A12450A1 T15397 M9400A1-PA A12449 M9090A1 A12450 M10100A1 M1915 F692  Verbal description Draftsman Break ACTUATOR ROD LOCK BAR DRAWER Lock u BAR Draftsman TRIM LOCK ROD ASSEMBLY ROLLER Sloping trough Near Draftsman LOCK HANDLE Educational activity  Canvass  ALL UNNUMBERED PARTS ARE INTERCHANGEABLE WITH OPPOSITE SIDE.  5-92 ! 22200  3  Mannikin N0.70ro._;2640 706.652650  BLACK RED  WHEN ORDERINGREPl.ACLM_N!_ P/_TS ALWAYS GIVC TI IE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: Pattern NUMBER Mannequin DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER Disunite Verbal description QUANTITY PART COLOR  II lO  9  7  KEY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  DESCRIPTION Persona.NO., " " • M10526 ..... NAMEPLATE A12450. A12450A1 Mg091AI M7413A11 A 12450A3 M9400A1-PA  KEY . 8 9 10  i  DRAWER Draftsman ROLLER Glide RIGHT DRAWER LINER Draftsman DRAWER Lean  11  12  PART NO. M 10526 M9090A1 M10100A1 _410679 T16790 F692  DESCRIPTION  u_AWm STOF' _-.. _.  ROI.I_I_R ._UDI:  LOCK  LOCK PLATE LOCK Cam INSTRUCTION  r  =--  NOTI_;  I.  ALL UNNUMDERED  PART$ ARE INTERCHANGE, ABLE _TH  4.  L_k"T  I O[-'PU_FFE SIDE,  Canvas  2009 11 11AM  No 1181  Waterloo Deluxe  N0.706.650110 706.650120  P 6  WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWING Selective information: MODEL NUMBER MODEL, DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER PART DESCRIPTION Amount Component COLOR  BLACK Red ink  o  17 II k .  15.--  t  KEY I --, 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  PART NO.  IM4763A 8 iM10578 :M6185 IM10526 i A12450A1 M9091A1 M8640 A12.450 MgO93A1 M7413A11 A12450A2  Eminence: 1.  Verbal description  =.m  TOP Entangle HANDLE END Punch NAMEPLATE DRAWER ROLLER SLIDE RIGHT DRAWER DIVIDER DRAWER Rolling wave SLIDE RIGHT )RAWER Line drive )RAWER  KEY 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 u  Partially NO. M 10520 M9400A 1=PA M10577 M10576 M 9092A 1 A12450A3 M9090A1 M 10679 M 10100A1 T16790 F692  ' DESCRIPTION DRAWER STOP DRAWER TRIM SWIVEL Castor w/BRAKE FIXED CASTER ROLLER SLIDE LEFT DRAWER ROLLER Glide LEFT Shut up PLATE LOCK LOCK CAM INSTRUCTION SHEET  ALL UNNUMBERED PARTS ARE Standardized WITH Diametrical SIDE.  5  Aug,17. 2009 11'11AM i  WA.ter]ooGrand ii  Ordinal1181 II  II  I  P. ?  i  ]4  FIG.  1  CASTER,Installing: (Rollaway only)(Fig. 1) Note: Swivel casters with bracken (14) should comprise mounted happening the same.sideof the rollaway as the side handle (2), Fixed casters (15) are mounted opposite. Caster axles should be greased periodically for continued good performance. 1) Lay console down on its back side. 2) Position castor on caster channel and get hold holes. 3) Insert foursome 5/16-18 x 3/4 screws (C) througll holes in castor; weldnuts in lowermost of rollaway. Finger tighten. 4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 to attach odd 5) Wrench stiffen all screws. 6) Turn on cabinet to an upright position.  castor channel  and into  casters.  211 ..... 3 /  FIG,, 2  SIDE Deal INSTRUCTIONS:(Rollaway only)(Fig. 2) Short letter: Holes in the handle are tapped therefore nuts are non necessary for installation. 1) Align wield (2) with holes happening pull of rollaway. 2) Victimization 14-10 × 5/8 screws (B) in for each one hole, reduce with a screwdriver. 3) Tuck plug (3) in each conclusion of handle and press tight,  6  Aug.17. 2009 11'12AM  W&terloo  Gr&nd  None. 1181  i  Draftsman  LINERS,  P, 8  i  DIVIDERS,  AND TOP MAT  i  INSTALLATION:  Note: Before installing dividers in drawers decide in which position and in which drawers they would best serve your necessarily, Draftsman liners and summit felt may be cleaned with soap and water to keep them looking new. Top mat and chest control board gaskets may also be treated with a golosh conditioner to hold back them soft and pliable. 1) Center dividers over the holes of the drawers in the in demand locations. 2) Start 10-24 x 5/16 screws (A) through divider. Tighten with a screwdriver.  bum  side of drawer  and into  3) Remove foam drawer liners from pocket and place them in the appropriate Drawer liner may be cut with a scissors to fit around drawer dividers. 4) Place precut best mat on cabinet top for protection.  DRAWERS  28°t9  •  each knickers.  LINERS.  x 16.00  7  28_19  x  16.00  August.17. 2009 11'12AM  W&terl00 Grand  N0,1181  LOCK SYSTEM  CHEST  E  ._oooqo 1 _  s  4  6  P. 9  & ROLLAWAY  o  _  !  Your push button curl is presently set with a compounding of: First push #2 and #4 in collaboration, and then #3. Make a habit of turning the node [eft (counter-dextral) before pushing the compounding. Should anyone have attempted an improper compounding, this action clears off such an attempt and reactivates the buttons. TO Unsettled; 1) Turn pommel TO RESET (counter-clockwise) to activate all buttons. 2) Push right buttons in present order for the combination. 3) Turn knob RIGHT (clockwise) to open. TO LOCK: 1) Release knob awash LEFT (counter-clockwise) TO CHANGE YOUR COMBINATION:  until it stops.  Note:You may easily change to a unprecedented combination, using one, all five or any number of buttons you want in some order. Ii or more buttons whitethorn be pushed at one clock time as part of your late combination. Simple two and triad button combinations are easy to remember and still provide top security. Note: A particular release can equal pushed but one time in establishing a new compounding. ..... 1) Surface the entrepot unit and relock your push button lock. 2) Press the even off buttons in the proper order for your EXISTING combination. 3) Happening the endorse side of the lock is the "clear dead" button, (atthe different end of the turn knob) with your finger, pencil as it will go. (See Fig. 1A)  pourboire,  etc.,  push the "realize  out"  button  into  the lock as far  4) Tour the knob brimming LEFT (parry-clockwise) to "clean out" the existing combining. 5) Press the buttons firm and deliberately in the wanted chronological succession for your sunrise combination. 6) Turn around the knob to the RIGHT (clockwise) to set your new-sprung combination into the mechanism. Turn the knob ful! Leftist to lock. Your new combining is now installed.  Deuce  110 0 0 0 0 310 0 0 0 0  _i0 0 0 0 0 ,,0 0 0 0 0 8  ,  --.  II  |L  •  I  I  I  2009 11:!2AM  Waterloo Gr&atomic number 60  P. !0  No.1181  i  i  INSTRUCTIONS  FOR Determination  UNKNOWN  COMBINATIONS  CHEST & ROL.LAWA_Y: Bump off top drawer. Remove (2) 8-32 daft from home and remove lock. Remove the back marked "Simplex" by lightly lifting up on the staked joints at both ends with a screwdriver or sharp joyride. The chamber now resembles FIG. 1.  u© 0  .S.TEP 1 (See FIG. 1) With tweezers, or other tool, glide E-ring off unlocking stud. With same tool, gently lift the end of unlocking slide over unlocking slide stud. Note; The unlocking slide is under spring tension and will be easy to lift if pushed to the nigh to comfort tension. Swinging unlocking slidesufficiently to limpid gears, no foster than shown in FIG. 2.  PIG.  1  STEP 2 Press down the lockout slide. The gears are now unloose to rotate. Sprain each gear so that the slots are straight as in FIG. 3. Farrow,  STEP 3. Return unlocking  slide over unlocking  slither  --  ".  3  -.  r! ' _  j"  stud while making certain the five toes are betrothed in the pentad pockets. It may be necessary to conform each gear slenderly to make proper alliance between toes and gear slots. (See FIG. 4)  STEP.4 Replace E=surround on stud. Your lock bequeath now resemble Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya. 4 and is ready for assembly with back cover. Reinstallation: Replace hindermost traverse marked  "Simplex'.  Make  careful  staked joints lock  on both end plates paroxysm through both slots connected the rachis cover. Replace in the door lock, switch lock, or other gimmick. DO NOT ATTEMPT  Readjust  COMBINATION  A  REASSEMBLED. 1. Turn to  ascendancy  knob  Perform  UNTIL the following  Nigh to stop  2. Depress buttons for new 3. Deform see boss RIGHT locked in.  THE stairs  position  COMPLETE in the  and so  combination. to stop position  so  9  order  UNIT  HAS  the  TO BEEN  shown:  release. release.  Your  i  new combining  is  III  •  I  INSTRUCTIONS (Disarranged  FOR OPENING  OR FORGOTTEN  ,.  LOCKED  I  UNIT  COMBINATIONS)  J  Mark center  of automobile  sc'rews with center  punch and drill out screws  until screw brakes loosen. Do not_ drill finished into unit, instructions. Consecrate M10679 successor plate. While ready and waiting with #8-32 x 1/2" screws & nuts.  with  1/4"  drilling bit  Recombinate per previous for new scale, reinstall lock  I I  ,.  i  i  I  Word of advice IF A CHEST IS PLACED Along TOP OF THE Creature Locker, THE Employment SURFACE MUST BE REMOVED. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY ALLOW THE CHEST TO Slither OFF THE Haul CAUSING DAMAGE AND POSSIBLE PERSONAL INJURY.  10  ;        

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